Image films
Passion connects people
… or rather “films” in the plural, because CargoLine has a new image film. While in 2013 the motto was “CargoLine gets it right”, we now aim further and want to bring no less than the sun. Figuratively, of course, in the sense that when and how we deliver a shipment, everything will be fine. At least that’s our claim, which we like to be measured against every day. Because CargoLine is made up of more than 7,000 people in Germany alone who are committed to their jobs and who have one thing in common: their passion for logistics.
Are you curious? Then take a look here.
The idea for the film came from Erik Müller (www.brandformer.de). The film was shot in March 2023 by M.A.J.I. & M.A.J.I. Filmproduktion GmbH (www.maji-maji.com).
CargoLine gets it done
A despondent girl receiving a motorbike tire instead of the long-awaited doll? And a biker bashfully hiding a doll from his mates, whilst their motorbike stays jacked up due to an undelivered tire? “Some things should simply be left to those who know what they’re doing. Namely CargoLine.” That’s the message of the general cargo cooperative’s first image film. The entertaining three-part series – in which also a foreman, florist, woman in love, and plumber are bemused by the deliveries they receive – can now be viewed on YouTube.
The idea for the film was created by the Stuttgart-based advertising agency, LässingMüller. It was filmed by Prestigefilm Filmproduktion from Karlsruhe on 11 and 12 May 2013. Tobias Lindörfer produced and directed the film with co-producer Andreas Fieser responsible for editing and sound. The director of photography was Andre Pfennig.
Here are some pictures of the mismatched recipients taken on scene: