Owner of this website:
CargoLine GmbH & Co. KG
Lyoner Str. 15
60528 Frankfurt
phone +49 69 951550-0
email: info@cargoline.de
Jörn Peter Struck (Chairman)
Bernd Höppner
Commercial Register:
HRA 47092
Legal venue and place of performance: Frankfurt (Main)
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Personally liable company:
CargoLine Verwaltungs GmbH
Managing Director: Jörn Peter Struck
Commercial Register:
HRB 93741
Legal venue and place of performance: Frankfurt (Main)
Design and implementation:
code-x GmbH, www.code-x.de
Picture credits:
Home, picture notebook/Cargoboard: Shutterstock
Company: Fotolia/hannamonika
Why CargoLine? – Christoph Struckmeier/lichtgallery.de
Key Account Management: Thorsten Kern
Incoterms/Köhlbrand bridge: Ulrich Mertens
Fiscal customs, Port of Rotterdam: Shutterstock.com/Beketoff
Milestones: Fotolia.com/JustTakeALook
New entrants to the profession/training: Fotolia.com/Halfpoint, Fotolia.com/auremar, Fotolia.com/contrastwerkstatt, Fotolia.com/Syda Productions
Professionals: Shutterstock.com/Monkey Business Broker, Shutterstock.com/Robert kneschka, Shutterstock.com/Africa Studio
News: Cargoboard; Qibin Wang, WaMa collective
CargoTime: F1online (1/2009, 1/2010, 1/2012, 1/2013), Thorsten Kern (2/2009), istockphoto (2/2010, 1/2011, 2/2017), iStockphoto – Elenathewise (2/2011), Corbis (2/2012), getty images (2/2013, 1/2014), Montage kiosk:mediendienste – kellymarken – Fotolia.com, rufer – Fotolia.com, Gunnar Pippel – Shutterstock (1/2015), Merlinul – Shutterstock (2/2015), rangizzz/Shutterstock, Montage kiosk:mediendienste (1/2016), Montage: Manfred Siegfeld, Massima/Shutterstock (2/2016), Montage: KPG_Payless/Shutterstock.com, gualtiero boffi/Shutterstock.com (1/2017), Shutterstock.com/vgstockstudio/Montage: kiosk:mediendienste (1/2018), Shutterstock.com/vgstockstudio/Montage: kiosk:mediendienste (2/2018), Bildmontage kiosk:mediendienste/kontur-vid/Fotolia.com, Miceking/Fotolia.com (1/2019), iStock.com/Yuri_Arcurs (2/2019), Jacob Lund/Shutterstock.com (1/2020), Bildmontage – Flamingo Images, El Nariz, Dean Drobot, WAYHOME studio/Shutterstock (2/2020), Erik Müller/CargoLine (1/2021), iStock.com/peepo (2/2021), Shutterstock.com/Lukas Gojda (1/2022), Shutterstock.com/ipopba (2/2022), Shutterstock.com/Sunny studio (1/2023), titipong8176734/stock.adobe.com (2/2023)
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