Internet Fraud
Online shoppers watch out!
Again and again, Internet users think they have just made a really good bargain on craigslist, locanto, kijiji, etc. They are then asked by the seller to transfer part of the sum in advance via the safe trade service of an apparent CargoLine partner. If they comply, that’s the last they’ll ever hear from the seller.
Mind you: If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t!
CargoLine does not offer any safe trade services at all and dissociates itself from the following and similar websites and the fraudulent services offered there!
Common evidence some internet fraud is taking place
- Are the goods offered far below the market price?
- Should you deposit part of the purchase price in advance as security in an escrow account?
- Are some of the data on the alleged CargoLine partner website very outdated?
- Does the Internet address contain “http://” instead of “https://”?
- Nothing is displayed in the browser tab?
- Are there addresses in Ireland, Spain, France, and Hungary … but not Germany under “Contact”?
- Is the imprint complete?
If at least one of these criteria applies, the probability is extremely high that you are about to be taken in by scammers.
- Advanced Cargo Line (http://advanced-cargoline.com)
- Alliance Logistics Group (http://www.alg-online.com)
- CastleAir Agency (www.cst-air-ag.com)
- CityLine (www.citylinegroup-kt.com)
- Continental Group Consultants (http://contgroupconsult.com)
- Country Express Shipping (www.cexs-frwd.com)
- European Cargo (www.european-cargo.eu)
- Euroship (www.euromanagementsarl.com)
- Eurostar Management Group (http://eurostar-logistic.com)
- Eurostar Management Group (https://www.eurostarmgroup.com)
- Eurotrade Logistics Group (http://eurotradelg.com)
- Eurotrade (https://www.eurotradegp.com)
- Evergreen Logistics Consultants (http://www.evergreen-lg-grp.com)
- Fastfreight Shipping (www.ff-spp-group.com)
- FastTrade Group (http://fasttradegp.com)
- Flytrans (http://fltr-group.com)
- FreightHaul Agency (www.frt-hl-agency.com)
- Frontline (http://frontlinemangroup.com)
- Front Line Group (http://www.flgtrans.com)
- LKW Logistics Group (http://lkwlogisticsgroup.eu)
- LogisticsGroupRoyal (www.logisticsgrouproyal.eu)
- Marinya Express (www.marinya-online.com)
- Natwest Logistic Group (www.natwestshipping.com)
- New Event (www.neweventservgroup.com)
- Northtrade (http://northtrade-gp.com)
- Paneuro Logistics Consultants (http://paneulog-grp.com)
- Premier Freight Group (www.premierfr-group.com)
- ProTrade Group (www.protradegr-kft.com)
- RAG Redarrow Group (www.redarrowgr-kft.com)
- RFL Royal Fleet Logistics Consultants (http://www.rylfleet-grp.com)
- Royal Trotter Group (www.royaltrottergroup.eu)
- ShipBrokers Group (www.shipbrokersgr-kft.com)
- ShipBrokers Group (www.shipbrokersint.com)
- Shipbrokers Management (http://shipbrokersmgt.com)
- Starline Logistics Consultants (http://starline-grp-sav.com)
- Starline Management Group (http://starlinemgroup.com)
- Supreme Cargo Line (http://supremecargoline.com)
- Total Group Consultants (http://totalgroupconsult.com)
- Total Service Consultants (www.totalservicecons.com)
- Tradebrokers (www.tradebrokers-kft.com)
Screenshots of some of the fraudulent sites: